Soot combustion catalyst

SOOT RELEASE soot combustion catalyst is a combination of efficient combustion catalysts to remove fireside deposits at a controlled rate. Controlled removal permits burning to take place without the hazards of soot fires which occur when oxidation is too rapid.
SOOT RELEASE combustion catalyst reacts with combustibles in the soot and ash, breaking down the combustible binders that hold the deposits together and cause its adhesion to boiler screen and superheater tubes. The loose, dry ash resulting from the action of SOOT RELEASE combustion catalyst is then carried out with the stack gases or is broken up and eliminated during normal soot blowing operation.

Industrial applications:Combustion catalyst for the reduction of fireside deposits in boilers.



L ow tem perature soot remover

LT SOOT RELEASETM low temperature soot remover is a unique catalytic powder designed to effectively reduce combustion deposits and to maintain clean heat transfer surfaces in exhaust boilers. Soot deposits in the exhaust system waste energy, cause corrosion, increase stack fire potential and can lead to costly repairs. The low activation temperature 200°C (392°F) of LT SOOT RELEASE soot remover makes it ideal for today's efficient energy recovery systems in motorships. LT SOOT RELEASE soot remover works by reducing the ignition temperature of the organic deposits of incomplete combustion, which bind the adherent ash deposits. In doing so, deposits become friable losing their adherent properties, and are easily removed and eliminated during normal soot-blowing operations.
Industrial applications:Combustion catalyst for the reduction of fireside deposits in boilers.